Monday, June 2, 2014

Blog #1 Free - The Intro Blog 6/2

My name is Joshua Freelove and I'm a student at University at Buffalo. I also play basketball for the university as well as major in History. Just recently I was given an assignment in my English 201 class which asked me to come up with an interesting research topic concerning animals and technology. I was able to embrace the issue of whether or not animals deserve civil rights and if so should it only be assessable for domestic animals or should it be assessable for all animals. The boundaries that we should have between animals and humans is essentially what I will be discussing in my research paper. Also the bias of humans when it comes to animals and what rights they deserve. The mental evolution of humans have led to the different opinions about animals in certain regions of the world. In some regions of the world the less technologically sound ones eat domestic animals, whereas the more technologically advance ones have found other ways to feed, cloth, and supply themselves. A once naturally common act of hunting is now seen as barbaric, primitive and in-human. Now dogs and cats have health plans and humans can go to jail if they poorly treat them. The world has changed concerning this issue weather this is a good thing or not, I will soon find out.

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