Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blog #2 6/4 Research topic

This blog is going to concern my research topic as about equal rights for all animals, why non-domestic animals deserve to have the same rights as domestic animals. Let me start by saying that the definition of a research paper is "A research paper is the culmination and final product of an involved process of research, critical thinking, source evaluation, organization, and composition." - ( ) Let it be known that anything can be research no matter what the topic, this is why we as humans know as much about all the different things and issues in the world as we do, because of the studies and overall research that was done to understand everything. The reasons why topics are broad or may have easy yes or no answers is because of the research that was done before hand.

My topic about equal animal rights for all animals is one that has a mountain full of statistical, factual and currently developing information about the differences and similarities in almost every way when concerning domestic and non-domestic animals. Their emotional and instinctual behavior will be documented, the documented differences between animals living in the wild and the human society and what the results of this our will also be expressed. The animal activist organizations will be imprinted in the research paper as well, the work that some have done and the and the statistical information that represents them. Although very broad as there are lots of animal activist organizations I think it would be a injustice to just focus on one, as the issue is much greater than one organization, or one particular animal.

I believe that a point will be made but a key question will be asked which is the result of all research papers. The idea is to enlighten someone about a particular topic or issue it is up to that person weather or not they wont to except the information. If there is a question or questions at the end then I feel as though I intrigued the reader enough to ask the question or questions.       

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