Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blog #6 Genetics And Anaylisis Quantative Traits 6/16

I was very fortunate to come across a book titled Genetics And Analysis Traits. Even though I didn't read the book in it's entirety, just skimming though the chapters I was able to come across some very valuable information which can be used in my research paper concerning Genetic animal testing and how it benefits the human society.

The book was authored by two writers their names being Michael Lynch and Bruce Walsh. I feel as though in the chapters that I was able to read, the authors highlighted the specific aspects of genetic research testing and its results on the analysis traits of humans and animals. The book I feel goes into great detail about the testing and not so much the benefits of genetic animal testing, but is a good source when explaining how genetic testing can be preformed.  

Although I will probably not use this book I feel as though it was a good source to mention as it pertains to the research that was don concerning my topic, which is genetic animal testing and how it benefits the human society.

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