Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blog #4 Chimpanzees Gentic Comparisons to Humans 6/10

I was able to find a great site titled the institute for creation research.( which had an article by         Nathaniel T. Jeanson. The article was expressing the genetic relationship between Humans and chimpanzees. It goes through the process in human genetic testing when solely concerning humans relating to one another and then branching out to animal's relationship with humans. the testing resulted in chimpanzees sharing the most similarities to humans.

"Evolutionists appeal to procedures used in human genetic testing to argue for human-chimp relatedness. In the field of human genetic testing, it is common to perform a DNA comparison between individuals in an attempt to establish nearness of kin. The more DNA sequence two individuals have in common, the more closely they are related. To the evolutionist, extending this reasoning to humans and chimps is simply taking the concept one step further. If we compare humans not only to other humans, but also to all the animals in nature, humans seem to share the most DNA sequence with chimps. Hence, to the evolutionist, this result is unequivocal evidence for a close familial relationship between humans and chimpanzees." (Jeanson)

This article will be very beneficial to my research paper about genetic animal testing and how it benefits the human society.

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