Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blog #5 The different Benefits of Biomedical/Genetic Animal Testing 6/12

There was a very interesting site that I came across ( which had an article authored by Ian Murnaghan. The article described how biomedical research concerning animal testing has improved the health of humans and medicine. The article goes into great detail about the benefits that the human society have been receiving over the years from the biomedical testing of animals.     

"Biomedical research is one of the most important areas of animal testing and rightly so, given that it is focused on improving human health and medicine. There are different types of biomedical research, which includes basic research and applied research. Basic research is important because it involves the study of how organisms function and develop. The learning associated with basic research is intricately linked to applied, or practical research although it is more academic in nature. Still, applied research is the type of biomedical research that is more actively relevant to medical advances. Therefore, the focus will be to look at how applied biomedical research occurs in terms of animal testing and how it relates to human health." (Murnaghan)

I feel as though this was a great source that expresses the main point of my research topic, which is genetic animal testing and how it benefits the human society. Great achievements have been made because of the genetic testing done on animals and it's time everyone understood this. 

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