Sunday, June 8, 2014

Blog #3 - New Topic 6/6

This is my third blog and I will take this time to talk about my new topic for my research paper, which is about animal testing and how it benefits the human society. Even though I feel strongly in the belief that my topic on equal animal rights for all animals domestic and non-domestic was researchable, the topic may have been to complex as it went down a various amount of avenues.

I will be focusing on the two most common animals that have been and still are being tested on, which are mice and monkeys. I will research why these two animals are the most tested? What similarities do these animals share with humans? What are the different test being done on these animals? How do these test help the human society? How do these test help us figure out more about these animals?

Obviously this is a researchable topic that is very direct and to the point, but it has more than enough statistical information, scholarly sources, and documented events. This topic is a very basic one but it still carries a lot of great information that a lot of people are un a where of. A very informative topic that will help people understand more why animal testing is done and how it's beneficial to the human society.

I though this was a good site that could be a good base to start my research paper.

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