Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blog #7 Chimpanzees have vaccine for HIV-1 6/18

As I was doing my research I came across this scholarly article written by an author by the name of Jane Bradbury, which was titled HIV-1 DNA Vaccine Shows Promise In Chimpanzees. Bradbury explains that because of extensive genetic testing on chimpanzees that they are very close to coming up with a vaccine that will make chimpanzees immune to the HIV-1 virus. This is really good news for the human society because of how much humans relate to chimpanzees physically, mentally, and genetically. If there can be a vaccine formed for chimpanzees then there may be a chance that there can be a vaccine created for humans. With a disease killing so many humans every year this is a huge breakthrough and it’s all because of the genetic testing of chimpanzees.      

The researchers injected three chimpanzees with DNA encoding the Env and Rev proteins of HIV-1 strain MN, and the Gag/Pol proteins of HIV-1 strain HXB2. CTL responses against Gag/Pol were observed in two animals, one of which also developed a CTL response against Env. The third animal failed to develop a CTL response, but did develop a strong antibody response. A fourth chimpanzee injected with control DNA not encoding viral proteins did not develop any anti-HIV-1 immune responses.” (Bradbury)    

Bradbury, Jane. "HIV-1 DNA Vaccine Shows Promise In Chimpanzees." Lancet 349.9061 (1997): 1299. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 June 2014.

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