Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blog #9 - Scholarly post 2 6/24

I want to take some time to discuss a scholarly source that I was able to find and implement in my literature review essay. The scholarly source is an article called the Genomewide Comparison of DNA Sequences between Humans and Chimpanzees and was authored by a multitude of scholars. The article highlights the genetic similarities between humans and chimpanzees by using a test that studies the genetic sequences within both species.

The genetic sequence testing is done by a complex mathematical program called Blat, which can be performed in different methods. The Blat program is a very precise program that gets extremely in depth with the scientific aspects of the similarities of the genetic sequences within chimpanzees and humans. The article expresses the graphs, algebraic math equations, and complex science that plays a big role in presenting the data. The test are done on multiple chimpanzees as well as different humans, because no one is hurt in the process human or animal, a large amount of test are compiled. The blood strains within the DNA of humans and chimpanzees are focused on for the similarities. Also they are tested in various situations to see the different fluctuations and if either DNAs react the same, or how far from similar they are.  

The article also explains that humans and chimpanzees have had the same ancestors for millions of years, which proves that both species have similar traits. The mental and physical similarities between humans and chimpanzees are also mention in the article. This is very important because it gives merit to the genetic sequences being so similar.

This article is being used to explain why certain animals are chosen for genetic animal testing, because of how much they relate to humans. Also it helps express the reason why genetic animal testing is done and how it helps the human society.


Works Cited

 Ebersberger, Metzler, Schwarz, Paabo, “Genomewide Comparison of DNA Sequences between Humans and Chimpanzees” 10.1086/340787. 30, Apr 2002

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