Friday, June 20, 2014

Blog #8 - Post Mice gentics 6/20

My new topic is focused on animal testing and how it benefits the human society, with the focus on mice and chimpanzee in particular. One of the avenues that I decided to go down concerning my topic was how closely mice genetics related to human genetics. I feel as though that it’s very important to understand the complete genetic, mental, and physical comparisons that the specific animals being tested share with humans. When concerning mice, I was able to find out that we as humans share a lot of the same genetic makeup of mice, which allows us to use mice to further research human diseases.

I came across a scholarly source that explains how the genetic makeup of mice is used to help us research human diseases. “The advantages of the mouse for behavioral studies include an extensive array of genetic technologies and an elaborate behavioral repertoire that can be used to create models of human disease.”(The Mouse: Genetics meets Behavior) The article goes into intense detail about the inside structure of a mouse and its behavior phenotypes. The article explains how mice are model organism when concerning animal testing, which is the main reason they are the most tested on. “The mouse is especially important as a model organism for behavioral studies because of the ability to manipulate its genome and to observe the resulting phenotypic consequences using molecular, cellular and electrophysiological approaches.” (The Mouse: Genetics Meets Behavior).

The article is good grounds for the basis of my research paper and helps me explain why animal testing is indeed beneficial to human society. This article will lead me into a multitude of other topics concerning animal testing such as the actual test being done and how they are done.   

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